Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When you have the most work to do, every little thing becomes an immense distraction.

I bought a PET bottle of Kickapoo some time ago from a vending machine, on whim, and have been using it since as a water bottle. As I was innocently taking a mid-study drink from it, I noticed that the ingredients lists read like this:
Carbonated water, sugar, maltitol, kickapoo concentrate, permitted food conditioners and colours (tartrazine), flavouring, potassium sorbate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

the mid-study drink then became a post-study drink as I abandoned all work to google "kickapoo".

Check this out!
KICKAPOO JOY JUICE is a liquor of such stupefying potency that even the hardiest citizens of Dogpatch, after a first burning sip, rise into the air, stiff as frozen codfish. Concocted in a large wooden vat by the inseparable cave-dwelling buddies Lonesome Polecat and Hairless Joe, the ingredients are both mysterious and all-encompassing. When the brew needs a little more body, the pair throws one in.

Lonesome polecat and hairless joe?!?! HAHAHAHA...


At 1:05 AM, Blogger t i m o said...




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